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Together towards plastics circularity: EcoPlastiC & Buddie-Pack

Cover Image for Together towards plastics circularity: EcoPlastiC & Buddie-Pack

In a world where plastic waste is a major environmental concern, the need for sustainable solutions has become more urgent than ever. Plastics circularity refers to the concept of creating a closed-loop system for plastics, where materials are reused or recycled instead of being disposed of as waste. In a circular system, plastic waste is viewed as a valuable resource that can be reused or repurposed rather than discarded. This approach is an alternative to the traditional linear economy, which relies on a "take-make-dispose" model.

Naturally, it takes more than one approach, and more than one project to tackle this enormous challenge. The institutions, projects, and scientists dedicated to working towards a solution for the plastics circular economy form clusters - groups bound by the same overarching mission.

Our EcoPlastiC project is clustered with Buddie-Pack, as both projects contribute towards plastics circularity. While our project is focused on developing new biopolymers from plastic waste that would be infinitely bio-recyclable, Buddie-Pack aims to find profitable and comprehensive solutions for plastics reuse in the food and cosmetic/personal care industries.

To achieve this goal, Buddie-Pack project has set six specific objectives. These include developing technological solutions for the design and manufacture of packaging that can be reused, understanding consumer expectations and barriers to behavior change, creating sustainable business strategies for reusable plastic packaging, ensuring safety and reducing microplastics release in the environment, carrying out large-scale trials to validate the benefits of reusable plastic packaging, and promoting its use across the EU.

Many of their objectives align with ours at EcoPlastiC. Both projects aim to develop technological solutions that enable the design and production of reusable plastic packaging with the necessary functional properties. Additionally, we both recognize the importance of carrying out demo trials to validate the effectiveness of such solutions from technical and economic perspectives.

In conclusion, projects like Buddie-Pack and EcoPlastiC are crucial in the fight against plastic waste and for the creation of sustainable solutions. It takes a collaborative effort to achieve a circular economy for plastics, and projects like these are leading the way in developing technological solutions and promoting the use of reusable plastic packaging. By working together towards a common goal, we can make a significant impact on reducing plastic waste and creating a more sustainable future. If your mission aligns with ours we are gladly open to connecting and working together toward a greener, sustainable future.

Project title

Eco conversion of lower grade PET and mixed recalcitrant PET plastic waste into high performing biopolymers

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder programme under grant agreement No 101046758

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The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder programme under agreement No 101046758

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