EcoPlastiC at FEMS2023 congress

The 10th Congress of European Microbiologists “FEMS2023”, an international conference, was organized by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) in collaboration with the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM) and the German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM), in Hamburg (Germany).
This congress included 32 symposia, 15 offered talk sessions, 10 flash presentation sessions, and 3 poster sessions, with more than 300 lectures presented, 1000 posters, and around 1800 registered participants.
There were 2 contributions that presented results from the EcoPlastiC project:
- Senior Researcher Cristiana A. V. Torres from the Biochemical Engineering (BIOENG) group (NOVA, Portugal) gave a talk "From wastes to biopolymers"

- Ph.D. student Milena Stevanovic from the Group for Eco-Biotechnology and Drug Development (IMGGE, Serbia) had a poster presentation "Expression of PET-hydrolyzing enzymes in Streptomyces spp."