
EcoPlastiC at the 3Bs Materials 2024 Conference

Cover Image for EcoPlastiC at the 3Bs Materials 2024 Conference

3Bs Materials 2024 Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics International Conference, was organized jointly with the conferences Polymers 2024 International Conference and Composites 2024 International Conference in Seville (Spain).

The Book of Abstracts is available here and as part of the conference, there were over 100 oral communications and 45 poster presentations, from the research topics of i. Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics, ii. Polymers and iii. Composites, as well as 15 keynote lectures:

  • Prof. Javier González-Benito – “Nanofibrillar Multifunctional Thermoplastic Materials Prepared by Solution Blow Spinning”
  • Prof. Dimitris Argyropoulos – “Carbon Fibers from Lignin Limitations & Opportunities”
  • Prof. Federico Carballo – “Incidence of the Mechanisms of Damage in the Performance of Composites”
  • Prof. John Botsis – “Experiments and Analysis of Delamination in Composite Materials”
  • Prof. Romano V.A. Orru– “Biomimetic Spirocyclizations for the Synthesis of Indole Alkaloids”
  • Prof. Lola Gonzalez-Garcia – “Electrofluids: liquid composites as soft electrical components”
  • Prof. James Clark – “Polymers and Green Chemistry: Materials for a Circular Economy”
  • Prof. Thomas J. Webster – “Stimulating Biomaterial Innovation: Why the Hip Implant Has Not Changed Since 1967”
  • Prof. Robert J Young – “The Role of Nanofiller Geometry in the Reinforcement of Polymer based Nanocomposites”
  • Prof. G. Richard Stephenson – “Molecular raincoats are better that coatings: enabling water resistant biocomposites”
  • Prof. Filomena Freitas – “Microbial polymers: novel biomaterials with improved properties”
  • Prof. De-Yi Wang – “Fire-safe Strategies on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites: Progress and Challenge”
  • Prof. Julietta V. Rau – “Anti-infection Strategies Applied to Design Coating Materials for Stable and Biodegradable Biomedical Implants”
  • Prof. Hidero Unuma – “CaCO3 Ceramics - A Bioresorbable Bone Grafting Material”
  • Prof. Ivan Chodak – “Modification of thermoplastic starch to achieve a broad range of properties in mixtures with biopolymers”

Within Polymers / Composites / 3Bs Materials 2024 Session II A, there was 1 keynote lecture presenting results from the EcoPlastiC project:

  • Keynote lecture “Microbial polymers: novel biomaterials with improved properties” by Filomena Freitas and Maria A. M. Reis, School of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Project title

Eco conversion of lower grade PET and mixed recalcitrant PET plastic waste into high performing biopolymers

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder programme under grant agreement No 101046758

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The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder programme under agreement No 101046758

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