EcoPlastiC at the ENVIROCHEM2023 symposium

9th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection “ENVIROCHEM2023”, a national conference with international participation, was organized by the Environmental Chemistry Section of the Serbian Chemical Society in Kladovo (Serbia).
This conference included 19 oral presentations and 63 poster presentations, as well as 2 Science bars. Science Bar “From microplastics to bioplastics” was moderated by Jasmina Nikodinovic-Runic from IMGGE and participants at the Science bar were Aleksandra Tubic (University of Novi Sad, Serbia), Marina Cvijanovic (Eko Bio Invest, Serbia) and Tamara Mutic (University of Belgrade, Serbia).

In addition, Sanja Jeremic (IMGGE) gave an Invited Lecture “Crossing roads of plastic degradation and biomaterial production”.