EcoPlastiC innovations on the EC Innovation Radar

The Innovation Radar is a European Commission initiative to identify high potential innovations and innovators in EU-funded research and innovation projects. Their goal is to allow every citizen, public official, professional and business person to discover the outputs of EU innovation funding and give them a chance to seek out innovators who could follow in the footsteps of successful companies, all of whom received EU funding in their early days. All innovations that are part of the Innovation radar are contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Information about EU-funded innovations from high-quality projects is visible and accessible to the public via the Innovation Radar platform. The innovations can also be explored by maturity levels: Exploring, Tech Ready, Business Ready and Market Ready.
Among great EU-funded innovations to be discovered, five EcoPlastiC innovations can be found:
TUS: Recalcitrant plastics replacement using virgin-to- virgin loops (Business Ready)
IMGGE: Polyhydroxyalkanoate purification process using enzyme cocktail (Exploring)
TUS: Mechanical/green chemical waste PET depolymerisation (Business Ready)
TUS, AVE, KTH: Prototype production of eco-plastic trays and films from food waste based-SCP, PHA-rich biomass for packaging (Business Ready)
AVE: Precision fermentation for PHAs, the production of protein rich biomass and biogas (Tech Ready)