
Eighth EcoPlastiC Steering Meeting

Cover Image for Eighth EcoPlastiC Steering Meeting

The eighth online EcoPlastiC Steering Meeting (SM) was held on January 31, 2025, where partners highlighted the latest updates and outlined plans for 2025.

Within WP4, plans are made to scale up to 10 L bioreactor trials in February and March, followed by a 25 L bioreactor production run. Supercritical CO2 extraction was tested by NOVA, but was found ineffective for PHA extraction. As alternatives, green solvents and enzymatic treatments are being. A proteomic study on T. molitor has been completed at IMGGE, with a publication in preparation. Enzymes are being expressed in different systems and further engineering of identified enzymes is being considered. Participating partners are maintaining ongoing communication to align biomass usage strategies.

Within WP5, the Kjeldahl digestion analysis was optimized at TUS to assess nitrogen and protein content in various samples (Valpromic, Molasse, Rustica and Mixed sludge). Current efforts involve scaling up YB423 biomass under optimized bioreactor conditions to enhance production. At KTH, compressed films with mixed culture biomass and glycerol were tested, showing that glycerol increased flexibility. KTH is working on mechanically recycling materials to create flexible, water-resistant films.

Within WP6, IMGGE reported improvement in Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), suggesting to focus the consortium attention in the next months on women in science events, publishing scientific papers and taking part in other special sessions, forums and events organized by other EU Research Projects.

Representatives from all partner institutions attended the SM:

TUS (Ireland) - Marija Nicevic, Laura Rodriguez Barroso, Eduardo Lanzagorta Garcia, Cuneyt Erdinc Tas, Buket Alkan Tas, Necdet Ozcelik, Zeliha Ece Ozcelik, Michelle Cooney

AVE (Belgium) – Helena Koninckx

NOVA (Portugal) – Filomena Freitas (Team Leader), Patricia Concordio dos Reis, Maria Nicolau Batista

IMGGE (Serbia) – Jasmina Nikodinovic-Runic (Team Leader), Jelena Simic

KTH (Sweden) - Mikael Hedenqvist (Team Leader), Anna Svagen Hanner

EcoPlastiC Steering Meetings are held every two months to ensure the project progresses as planned.

Project title

Eco conversion of lower grade PET and mixed recalcitrant PET plastic waste into high performing biopolymers

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder programme under grant agreement No 101046758

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The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder programme under agreement No 101046758

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