First general assembly at AIMPLAS

Today's technology enables us to work remotely and collaborate internationally towards solving challenges and creating a better future together. Our EcoPlastiC project team is one where partners from five different countries join forces towards delivering the science behind a new technology of plastics. We rely heavily on remote means of communication and collaboration in our day to day work. However, we recognize the importance of meeting each other in person, networking and discussing our project.
Therefore, we are thrilled to announce our first general assembly meeting on 25 January 2023, which will take place at AIMPLAS, a technology centre with 30 years of experience in the plastics industry.
During this one-day event, each of the partners will present their work package (WP):
- WP1 - Project Management (TUS)
- WP2 - Green Depolymerisation & mixed PET waste Plastics (TUS)
- WP3 - Design and Optimisation of the AVE Microbiomes (AVECOM)
- WP4 - Recovery of PHA (NOVA)
- WP5 - Processing and packaging prototype (KTH)
- WP6 - Dissemination, Exploitation & Communication (IMGGE)
The presentations will be followed by an open discussion and a summary of priority actions by the Project Coordinator (TUS).
As an added benefit of AIMPLAS as a venue for this event, we look forward to get acquainted with their multiple R & D projects pertinent to the field of circular plastics economy.