
Second EcoPlastiC Steering Meeting

Cover Image for Second EcoPlastiC Steering Meeting

The second online EcoPlastiC Steering Meeting (SM) took place on 26 May 2023 where all partners presented the latest updates within each Work Package and communicated plans for the future.

TUS team has been working with the single-cell protein obtained from AVE, using two different processing methods of extrusion and injection molding. In addition, work is being done on metalized PET, which was processed using reactive extrusion (REX) protocol.

AVE is assessing aerobic and anaerobic routes to test microorganisms capable of degrading depolymerized plastic mixtures and monomers. They are focused on bioconversion with recovery potential and their ongoing work includes the optimization of cultivation conditions in a fermenter.

NOVA updated the partners on the work on the design and optimization of the AVE microbiomes and screening of microorganisms capable of degrading plastic monomers.

KTH has been working on prototype polymer trays made from microbial protein (MP) with loaded plasticizer, but PET-film covered biopolymer trays were also built, which will be characterized (mechanical properties, FTIR, and microscopy).

IMGGE reported that the promotion of the project was achieved not only through social media, but through conferences, TV shows, and external seminars. Moreover, the first EcoPlastiC Newsletter is being drafted and will be released in July 2023.

Second Steering Meeting zoom snapshot

Representatives from all partner institutions attended the SM:

TUS (Ireland) - Margaret Brennan Fournet (coordinator and Team Leader), Marija Mojicevic, Laura Rodriguez, Michelle Cooney, Olivia Adly, Necdet Ozcelik, Cuneyt Erdinct Tas, Bor Shin Chee, Chaitra Venkatesh, Eduardo Lanzagorta, Jeovan Araujo, Diana Herrera, Mohammad Azeem, Cuneyt Erdinc Tas

AVE (Belgium) – Kim Windey (Team Leader), Zahra Geraylou, Aleksandra Bogdan

NOVA (Portugal) - Patricia Reis

IMGGE (Serbia) - Jasmina Nikodinovic-Runic (Team Leader), Jelena Lazic, Marijana Ponjavic, Venkateswara Rao Chebrolu

KTH (Sweden) - Mikael Hedenqvist (Team Leader), Kiran Reddy Baddigam, Anna Svagan Hanner

Regular EcoPlastiC SMs are organized every 2 months, to make sure this project moves forward according to plans.

Project title

Eco conversion of lower grade PET and mixed recalcitrant PET plastic waste into high performing biopolymers

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder programme under grant agreement No 101046758

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The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder programme under agreement No 101046758

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