Third EcoPlastiC Steering Meeting

The third online EcoPlastiC Steering Meeting (SM) took place on 28 July 2023 where partners presented the latest updates within their respective Work Package and communicated plans for the future.
The work performed at TUS on metalized PET was presented and fundamental characterisation of TPA (terephthalic acid) from metallized PET was carried out and outlined, including DSC (differential scanning calorimetry), IR (infrared) and ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry).
AVE is testing aerobic and anaerobic routes to test microorganisms capable of degrading depolymerized plastic mixtures and monomers and bioconversion with recovery potential. The results on the validation on the growth of Delftia tsuruhatensis in a continuous fermentation were shared, and it was reported that the obtained biomass concentration has increased and is rich in proteins.
At IMGGE, greener ways for PHA extraction (enzymes, deep eutectic solvents or ionic liquids) are being explored. Also, they are assessing the possibility to exchange the commonly used fillers used for the synthesis of polyurethanes with biomass, which afforded biopolyurethanes that will be fully characterized in terms of thermal, morphological and surface properties.
IMGGE reported that the website continues to show excellent statistics with increasing number of unique visitors, total visits and page views. The numbers describing the social media activity are also increasing, and the EcoPlastiC Newsletter #1 was successfully sent out to 191 subscribers.
Representatives from all partner institutions attended the SM:
TUS (Ireland) - Margaret Brennan Fournet (Coordinator and Team Leader), Marija Mojicevic, Laura Rodriguez, Michelle Cooney, Bor Shin Chee, Necdet Ozcelik, Cuneyt Erdinct Tas, Buket Alkan Tas, Eduardo Lanzagorta Garcia, Jeovan Araujo, Diana Garza Herrera, Muhammad Azeem
AVE (Belgium) - Helena Koninckx
NOVA (Portugal) - Patricia Reis
IMGGE (Serbia) - Jasmina Nikodinovic-Runic (Team Leader), Jelena Lazic, Marijana Ponjavic, Venkateswara Rao Chebrolu, Vuk Filipovic
KTH (Sweden) - Mikael Hedenqvist (Team Leader), Kiran Reddy Baddigam

Regular EcoPlastiC SMs are organised each 2 months, to make sure this project moves forward according to plans.