
TV report on the EcoPlastiC project

Cover Image for TV report on the EcoPlastiC project

Our project is already attracting the attention and interest of the media! A TV crew from Radio Television Vojvodina (RTV, Serbia) visited our partners from IMGGE and interviewed our associates to make a television segment on our EcoPlastiC project.

The statements were given by Dr. Jasmina Nikodinovic-Runic - the Head of the Group for Eco-Biotechnology and Drug Development at IMGGE, the Team Leader of EcoPlastiC’s Work Package 6 that focuses on dissemination, exploitation, and communication. She spoke about the project in general, the EU project funding, and the main focus of her research group.

Dr Jasmina Nikodinovic-Runic giving a statement on the EcoPlastiC project

Dr Jelena Lazic - the EcoPlastiC Project Ambassador also gave her statement regarding the project's international partners and their roles in the project.

Dr Jelena Lazic giving a statement on the EcoPlastiC project

Dr Marijana Ponjavic - a polymer science expert with a research focus on bio-polymers spoke about the experimental work planned within each Work Package (WP) of the EcoPlastiC project.

Dr Marijana Ponjavic giving her statement on the EcoPlastiC project

This report (in Serbian) was available for the audience of the TV series “Science to the Economy” (“Nauka privredi”) on the national RTV television in Serbia and is globally available on this YouTube link.

IMGGE EcoPlastiC team with the TV crew

Project title

Eco conversion of lower grade PET and mixed recalcitrant PET plastic waste into high performing biopolymers

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder programme under grant agreement No 101046758

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The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder programme under agreement No 101046758

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